Stalking is an extremely serious accusation and must be take very seriously. What is stalking, anyway? What is a New York stalking defense? And what are your legal rights?
The term "stalking" is used to refer to repeated, unwanted contact between two people. Stalking can feel extremely threatening and take on many forms, from physical following to spying, eavesdropping, attempts to contact via the Internet or at the workplace, or contacting other family members.
Victims of stalkers usually obtain a restraining order first before pursuing more serious criminal prosecution. However, some accused stalkers are prosecuted for other crimes as well, including breaking and entering, sex crimes, fraud, violent intent, or trespassing. While the system was rightly designed to help the victims of stalking find some peace and a sense of safety, it often backfires when the wrong person is accused. Some people mistake conduct for stalking or accuse others of stalking as a means of retaliation or revenge.
You have the right to legal representation in court whether or not you are guilty of stalking. Your chances of prevailing against a stalking accusation are greatly increased by an experienced New York stalking defense attorney who can mount a stalking defense on your behalf. It is important to get all of the facts out in the right context. Stalking is not always clear and it could stem from miscommunication between the parties.The right stalking defense involves intensive investigation, collection of evidence, and proper procedure in court.
The Law Offices of Michael S. Discioarro, LLC, knows that a stalking accusation or conviction could affect your ability to lead a normal life, contact your children, even vote or find a job. We believe that everyone is entitled to a fair trial – and we have the results to uphold our outstanding reputation. If you have been accused of stalking, obtain a NY stalking defense lawyer as soon as possible – even if the case has not yet been brought to the police. We can help you develop a legal strategy and mount the right stalking defense when the time comes. Contact us today at 917-519-8417 for a confidential consultation.